Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Friend - Christian Illustration

What is FRIEND??
Some of us, or all of us need at least one or two friend or BEST FRIEND. even you are Christians,non-believers or what religion you are, everyone leaving in this earth can't stand alone without of what we called " Friend "
As i asked one of my friend what is the definition of friend for him. And he defined it as " Someone who knows all about you and likes you just the same." But as i continuously searched for the definition of friend. i read about Henry Durban ville who made some studies and observation about Friendship. according to him " A friends is the first person to come in when the whole world goes out." And that's how he defined it. but as i searching for definition i remember the event happened two years before in our church.the event took place was entitled of " A friend loves at all times" proverbs 17:17...

we can't improve on that definition to have someone who remains true to us under all circumstances is one of life's choicest blessings. the support, comport, and encouragement that only an intimate friend can offer is sorely needed when the burdens of life weigh heavily upon us. and you feel alone and nobody love you or care for you. don't worry their was an ultimate friend, for He laid down His life and that was JESUS. makes an important point and takes us beyond a description of what it means to be a friend. it says that " a man who has friends must himself be friendly." the implication is clear. friendliness must began with us . we must take the initiative in developing relationship with others.let us be to others what we desires for ourselves. when it comes to friends, to have one you must be one.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Don't Give Up!!!

As a Christian we think that LIFe being a believers are full of happiness.but if the trials and problem was their. some of us was Panicking.but no matter how bad things look stay on top of situation. keep believing God. walk the floor and pray.. standing on the WORD. your dream may not the fully alive yet, but it;s getting warm. things are improving.GOD is MOVING.Your answer is on the the way-don't give up. until it arrives.hangs ON, not Hang UP!!!

Reveals who we Are...

What we say Reveals who we are... SOONER or LATER our words will unmask the true condition of our hearts. If our Hearts are filled with love for GOD, our words will be marked by HONESTY, gratefulness, Love, encouragement, Wise counsel nad concern for others. But if our hearts are filled with sellfisness, out words will be filled with deceit, critism, complaining, broken confidences, and insults. by our words we will be judged.

LIFE is What??!!

A lot of Things Happened and Experienced as we grow and more matured.. for me life was Tough, It was unpredictable. full of uncertainties and SURPRISES. it is a Series of battle both PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL. It is bound to hit us with an unexpected grief and depression. It is Designed to prepare us for the main event, which is to live in Eternity{ as I wrote Before in my previous Blog}. It is just a temporary assignment to be done before the deadline. It is a mixture of Happiness and Tears, a blend of laughters and sorrow. Life is to deep to define, and too shallow to comprehend. but whatever life brings you, it is surely because of GOD's purpose.

Chapter of LIFE...

We as a Christian or Believer"s Of Christ JESUS..
their was come a time that i felt so Afraid, thinking of "Saan ako mapupunta pagnamatay ako".
but some people said, death is the last Chapter in time but the first chapter in eternity. only those person who believe on JESUs are able to die with Joy and Eager anticipation. because JESUs died for our Sins and rose from the Grave, we who believe Him can die a living HOPE. and That goes far beyond a calm Acceptance.

God purpose

Life isn't always fair, but God is always faithful. it's then that we must god back to a basic truth. we are not the arbiters of fairness. God is, and He knows far more than we do about His plans and purposes. life will never look fair. but when we trust God, we always know that He is faithful.


LIFE is like a game of badminton??

In playing the badminton game, you can't win without serving well. the rccule of the natural man is " get all you can." the rule of the spiritual realm, only that which we givw away will we keep forever. in CHRISTIAN Life, we must be reduced to nothing bofore we become something. remember, JESUS gaves his all. He is our example

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Riding a Rollercoaster - Christian Illustration

“ Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season

we shall reap if we do not lose heart. " Galatians 6:9

If you love SOMEONE who struggles with a substance-abuse problem, you know that your emotions and his can be like a riding a rollercoaster ----Up and Down. Today he wants help; tomorrow he’s drinking or is high on drug again. Today he’s being honest; tomorrow he’s running from the truth.
The Holy Spirit helps us learn how to love people like that, even if they sin and struggle. Here are few principles we can put into practice:

Treat the person with Respect.
Be gentle when trying to restore him (Galatians 6:1)
But don’t do for him what he should do fro himself. Don’t get in the way the consequences that God use to bring change.

Remember that you do not have the power to change another person.
Instead, Ask God to help you become the person he wants you to be (V.4-5)

Reach out in love.
Seek God’s wisdom in what to say and do in each encounter (James 1: 5). Then rebukes or be silent---in LOVE.

Depend on God.
You will make mistakes. But anchor yourself in God’s Word and Continually commit yourself and your loved one to the Lord in prayer (Philippians 4: 6).

Making some of these choices can help to slow down the rollercoaster ride of changing emotions.

Are you a Christian?

Are you a Christian?

We ought not to make theassumption lightly that we are true Christians. Manyclaim to be Christians but what does the Bible tell us a Christian really is?

A Christian is one who has seriously and honestlyfaced the personal problem of sin; the problem of a bad record and a bad heart.
A Christian is one who has also seriously considered the divine remedy for sin. The remedy bound up in a unique person and centered in his unique sacrifice on a cross that is adequate for and offered to all.
A Christian is one who whole-heartedly embraces the terms of God’s provision for sin through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Being totally honest with God and serving Him so that you can be in Heaven or wont be in Hell someday?

Answer this question?

As a part of drama team in Our church. in the beginning of my journey was out of pure fear of going to hell... but as I began to study and gain more knowledge, a love and personal relationship with God developed... and there is unexplainable peace, that no worldly possession could give me - I know where I am going when I die, and the love I have for God is what gives me peace, happiness, and satisfaction out of the life he gave me!!!

YOU!!?? How can you response in this Question?

Serving God

How do people understand service to God?

Some think that “to serve God” means simply to belong to the clergy of some religious confession. Others think deeper and seek to serve by participating in common prayers and meditations. And some even dance and sing in honor of God.

This is not bad, but only if all this is just a part of the religious life of these people.

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