Thursday, 31 March 2011

Photograph- Digital Photograph

Digital photography is a form of photography that uses an array of light sensitive sensors to capture the image focused by the lens, as opposed to an exposure on light sensitive film. The captured image is then stored as a digital file ready for digital processing (colour correction, sizing, cropping, etc.), viewing or printing.

Until the advent of such technology, photographs were made by exposing light sensitive photographic film and used chemical photographic processing to develop and stabilize the image. By contrast, digital photographs can be displayed, printed, stored, manipulated, transmitted, and archived using digital andcomputer techniques, without chemical processing.

Digital photography is one of several forms of digital imaging. Digital images are also created by non-photographic equipment such as computer tomographyscanners and radio telescopes. Digital images can also be made by scanning conventional photographic images.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Graduation Message

We are extremely proud of your achievements, keep it up. We wish you all the love and happiness in this whole world.

Graduation is an important event of your life which indicates the onset of a new beginning. Hope that you meet success at every wake of your life.

Well done buddy, I am very happy to see your success. But do not forget, learning does not end here, and if it did you would stop growing,

What Is the Difference in a Baby Dedication & a Christening?

The Meaning of Christening

  • The christening is a ceremony that baptizes an infant and celebrates his entrance into a Christian community. The idea of christening a child is to give him a strong Christian foundation on which to build his life. It also introduces the child to his new church family.

The Meaning of Dedication

  • In a baby dedication, a mother and father dedicate their lives to making sure their newborn child is raised with a strong Christian influence. It's about showing appreciation to God for blessing them with this new human life and asking for God's guidance in raising their child. Where a christening is more focused on the child, a dedication is a more family-oriented affair.

Christening Ceremonies

  • Three kinds of christening services exist. All require the involvement of not just the child's parents but also the godparents. In a blessing, the child is brought before God and her church family with thanksgiving. The officiant then says a prayer asking God to bless the child and watch over her. Baptism is the act of washing away the baby's sins and welcoming her into her Christian life. Another service involves not only baptizing the child but also giving her a name, often a biblical name.

Baby Dedication Ceremonies

  • In the dedication ceremony the parents and any other children stand to the right of the pastor. Grandparents or godparents stand to the left. The pastor holds the baby during dedication prayers. The ceremony includes the reading of scriptures and ask the parents to pledge their energy to setting the best Christian example for their child. The service, of course, will vary depending on your faith. Baby dedications are common practice for those who pledge a wide variety of faiths, including Buddhists, Mormons and Baptists.

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